




夏季经典书单 阅读资源列表

像你一样勇敢 作者:Jason Reynolds

吉妮的夏天充满了惊喜. 第一个是他和他的哥哥, 厄尼, are leaving Brooklyn for the very first time to spend the summer with their grandparents all the way in Virginia—in the COUNTRY! The second surprise comes when Genie figures out that their grandfather is blind. 吓坏了的, Genie peppers Grandpop with questions about how he hides it so well (besides wearing way cool Ray-Bans).

他怎样搭配他的衣服? 知道该往哪里走? 用煤气炉做饭? 倒一杯甜茶,不要洒出来? 吉妮觉得爷爷一定是他见过的最勇敢的人, but he starts to notice that his grandfather never leaves the house—as in NEVER. And when he finds the secret room that Grandpop is always disappearing into—a room so full of songbirds and plants that it’s almost as if it’s been pulled inside-out—he begins to wonder if his grandfather is 真的 so brave after all.

因为先生. Terupt 罗伯·布耶

这是雪山学校七个孩子五年级的开始. 有 . . . 杰西卡, 新来的女孩,聪明而敏锐,但很难适应; 失读症, 欺负你的人,前一秒是你的朋友,下一秒就是你的敌人; 彼得, 班级恶作剧者和捣蛋鬼; 路加福音, 大脑; 丹尼尔, who never stands up for herself; shy 安娜, whose home situation makes her an outcast; and 杰弗里, 谁讨厌学校?.

只有先生. Terupt, their new and energetic teacher, seems to know how to deal with them all. He makes the classroom a fun place, even if he doesn’t let them get away with much . . . 直到一个下雪的冬日,一场事故改变了一切,也改变了所有人.

偷书贼 作者:Markus Zusak

那是1939年. 纳粹德国. 整个国家都在屏住呼吸. 死亡从来没有更忙碌过,而且还会更忙碌.

莉塞尔·梅明格是一个住在慕尼黑郊外的寄养女孩, who scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. 在她会手风琴的养父的帮助下, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement.



你给的仇恨 安吉·托马斯

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. 哈利勒手无寸铁.

不久之后,他的死成了全国的头条新闻. 有些人称他为暴徒,甚至可能是毒贩和帮派成员. 抗议者以哈利勒的名义走上街头. 一些警察和当地的毒枭试图恐吓斯塔尔和她的家人. 每个人都想知道的是:什么 真的 就在那天晚上? 现在唯一能回答这个问题的人就是斯塔尔.

记忆之刀 劳里·霍尔斯·安德森著

在过去的五年里, 海莉·金凯德和她父亲, 安迪, 一直在路上吗, never staying long in one place as he struggles to escape the demons that have tortured him since his return from Iraq. 现在他们回到了他长大的小镇,这样海莉就可以上学了. 也许, 第一次, 海莉可以过正常的生活, 她把自己痛苦的回忆放在一边, 甚至和芬恩有关系, 那个很明显喜欢她但却隐藏着自己秘密的帅哥. 回家能治好安迪的创伤后应激障碍吗, 或者他可怕的记忆会把他拖到地狱的边缘, 毒品会让他崩溃? 记忆之刀 is Laurie Halse Anderson at her finest: compelling, surprising, and impossible to put down.

一号玩家准备就绪 欧内斯特·克莱恩

2045年,现实是一个丑陋的地方. The only time teenage Wade Watts 真的 feels alive is when he's jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade's devoted his life to studying the puzzles hidden within this world's digital confines—puzzles that are based on their creator's obsession with the pop culture of decades past and that promise massive power and fortune to whoever can unlock them.

但当韦德偶然发现第一条线索时, 他发现自己被那些愿意为了这个终极奖品而杀人的玩家所包围. 比赛开始了, 韦德是否能活下来, he'll have to win—and confront the real world he's always been so desperate to escape.

教师 & 员工阅读

地下铁路 科尔森·怀特海著

科拉是乔治亚州一个棉花种植园的奴隶. 生活对所有的奴隶来说都是地狱, but especially bad for Cora; an outcast even among her fellow Africans, 她即将成为女人——等待她的将是更大的痛苦. 当凯撒, 刚从弗吉尼亚来的, 告诉她地下铁路的事, 他们决定冒一次可怕的风险逃跑. Matters do not go as planned—Cora kills a young white boy who tries to capture her. 尽管他们设法找到了一个车站并向北走,但他们还是遭到了追捕.

在怀特黑德的巧妙构思中, the Underground Railroad is no mere metaphor—engineers and conductors operate a secret network of tracks and tunnels beneath the Southern soil. Cora and Caesar’s first stop is South Carolina, in a city that initially seems like a haven. But the city’s placid surface masks an insidious scheme designed for its black denizens. And even worse: Ridgeway, the relentless slave catcher, is close on their heels. Forced to flee again, Cora embarks on a harrowing flight, state by state, seeking true freedom.

火车走了对不起 利亚·海格·科恩著

“Train go sorry" is the American Sign Language expression for "missing the boat.“确实, missed connections characterize many interactions between the deaf and hearing worlds, including the failure to recognize that deaf people are members of a unique culture. 在这列克星敦聋人学校的私人编年史中, Leah Hager Cohen brings this extraordinary culture to life and captures a pivotal moment in deaf history.

老师的人 作者:弗兰克·麦考特

大约十年前,弗兰克·麦考特出人意料地成为了明星, 66岁的时候, 他突然出现在文坛 安琪拉的灰烬, 获得普利策奖的回忆录,讲述了他在爱尔兰利默里克的童年. 然后是 “是, 他早年在纽约的辉煌经历.

现在, 终于到了这里, is McCourt's long-awaited book about how his thirty-year teaching career shaped his second act as a writer. 老师的人 也是对各地教师的迫切致敬. In bold and spirited prose featuring his irreverent wit and heartbreaking honesty, 麦考特记录了审判过程, 他在纽约市的公立高中面临的胜利和惊喜. 他的方法一点也不传统, McCourt creates a lasting impact on his students through imaginative assignments (he instructs one class to write "An Excuse Note from Adam or Eve to God"), 歌曲(以食谱原料为歌词), and field trips (imagine taking twenty-nine rowdy girls to a movie in Times Square!).